While comfort zone maybe a way for steady income for a period of time, it's usually an end to self development and by the end of this article you'll have a proof why. Comfort zone means that the person has totally adapted interacting with the unique personally traits around, therefore there isn't new interpersonal challenges because s\he now knows how to deal with all of them to get the job done after many, many years of service. In my career I have met many kind of managers/owners with the personality traits that had an impact on me, and I on them. Here I categorize them with the properties of the 4 elements, Fire, Water, Air, Earth. The 2 elements mentioned are the dominant in them. Dominance of an element may indicate positive and negative traits of the same element. Water (Emotions) / Air (Intelligence): One of the great direct managers I worked with was emotionally intelligent. For new graduates this kind is perfect for them because he will be patient to te...