Pill #1: The Source of Disappointment Calm down, you are not disappointed by block.one #B1June event. You were just not paying attention that the orgasm happened when the social media platform (voice) news was leaked. How can any other announcement be as exciting after the orgasm? Pill #2: Universal Basic Income The second reason is the universal basic income that was discussed by Dan Larimer before in his articles, but not elaborated during the event. Although voice.com tokens are incentives for quality content sharing and earning from it, but marketing it as a total replacement for ordinary jobs is a bit of a stretch and it wouldn’t have been wise to do so. Which I think some people expected thinking *universal* basic income. Pill #3: The News Leak If Dan or Brendan leaked the social media platform before the event. I wouldn’t blame them much, because some crypto enthusiasts went too far with their imagination, anything that would have been announced during the even...
The way to self development is not an easy going, peaceful journey there is a price to be paid. One of these penalties, I believe, is headaches. For the sake of imagination and fun, I am referring to the Hulk character. You may have noticed that before and during the transformation the person encounters a painful headache, but after the transformation his new mode is anger but there are no more headaches. In our present times, people seek to escape headaches through painkillers. Many times these headaches could just be malnutrition or oxygen shortage in the brain blood vessels. There are many biological/physiological reasons for a headache, but there are also spiritual/psychological reasons and I believe that occupying the mind with a specific problem for a long period of time may inflict permanent personality changes whose initial symptom will be a headache.