One can become 3 things in a person's life. A Friend, a Benefit, a Story. The third type is not popular but it is when a person is physically remote and there's no experiences mutually shared. A story then becomes the material of gossip. "Did you know what happened to..?" Etc. Some people will contact you after a long time to extract some stories (material) with the excuse of asking/caring. But the question is how can one be sure? Simple... if they shared personal stories of similar significance, then they are genuine but when they have not much going on in their lives (as they express "no news") then you're the material of gossip in the next evening tea time.
Another indicator is the means of communication. Some people will use WhatsApp or a Facebook message when they're locally in the same country after a long time of no contact. If you really count for them, why does it seem that a phone call is so expensive? Because asking about someone you care about is different than just doing a social duty because culture and tradition say so.
Each of us would have his/her personal rules for what is acceptable and exceptions but many will not share it. The reason I do, is to clarify that details have value, always count and are not random.
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